THG supports Agrilogic’s efforts to advance Federal crop insurance

Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
Washington, DC

To whom it may concern,

I’m sharing these comments on behalf of Texas Hemp Growers, which represents 200 hemp industry participants; mostly farmers, processors, manufacturers, retailers, and consumers of hemp products.

The Federal Crop Insurance Program is a valuable tool for Texas producers, and Texas Hemp Growers would like to express its support for the development of a multi-peril crop insurance program for hemp in the state of Texas for the 2021 crop year.

With Texas’ diverse climate, it is imperative that our hemp farmers have an available crop insurance product that minimizes risk for growers, like extreme weather events, diseases and natural disasters.  In addition, the availability of Federal crop insurance increases the availability of lending resources and access to capital, which is critical for a high input crop such as hemp.

AgriLogic has been a strong resource for our organization, and we look forward to working with them to promote and develop a successful program.

Respectfully Submitted,
Zachary Maxwell
Texas Hemp Growers

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