The Texas Hemp Growers business directory allows companies to connect with hemp professionals in Texas and beyond.
Q: I’m a member. How do I get my listing?
- Login to your Texas Hemp Growers’ account
- Navigate to Directory > Create Listing
- Under Packages select the Member option
- Complete the remainder of the form and submit
- You’ll receive a message that your listing is live. There is a minor bug here that requires your listing to be manually approved. Your listing will not appear in the directory until it’s approved by an admin (not longer than a few hours if done during business hours)
Q: How do I edit/delete my listing?
Option A:
- Login to your Texas Hemp Growers’ account
- Navigate to the Directory and locate your listing
- An Edit and Delete button is found near the top of your listing
Option B:
- Login to your Texas Hemp Growers’ account
- Navigate to Directory > Manage My Listings
- Select the My Listings drop-down and then select Listing. You will be shown your listing.
- Select Edit to modify your listing or Delete to remove it from the directory.
IMPORTANT: If you are a non-member paying for your listing, then you need to also delete the subscription associated with the listing to prevent rebilling.
Q: How do I delete the subscription associated with my listing?
- Login to your Texas Hemp Growers’ account
- Visit the My Account dashboard
- Select My Subscription from the secondary menu on the Dashboard
- Select Cancel for each subscription you want to end
If you need assistance with canceling a subscription, please call 833-HMP-FLWR.
Q: I selected “Private Address,” but I’m seeing a map and address on my listing.
A: As long as you select the “Private Address” option on the submission form, your address and the map will only be visible to you and site admins. If you view your listing not logged in, you’ll see the map and address are not displayed.
Q: I can’t get the map to find my address.
A: This is almost always caused by an address that’s located in a county, instead of a city. In the “City” field, try inputting the county, instead. If that doesn’t work and the system will not accept your address, then you’ll have to contact us for assistance. Please call 833-HMP-FLWR and we’ll be happy to assist.