Buy Texas Hemp will connect Texas growers with buyers

One of the largest challenges any aspiring hemp farmer faces is identifying a buyer for their harvested crop. In the wake of last year’s harvest, hemp is rotting in storage across the nation, largely because growers didn’t line up buyers. 

Today, in an effort to mitigate this challenge, Texas Hemp Growers launched a new campaign in support of Texas’ future hemp farmers.

BUY TEXAS HEMP is a campaign to connect Texas’ growers with wholesale buyers of biomass, crudes, distillates, isolates, flower, grain and fiber. 

BUY TEXAS HEMP is our statement that Texas’ hemp industry is open for business,” said Zachary Maxwell, president of Texas Hemp Growers. “We want to create vertical integration between farmers, processors, and buyers, so that everyone makes a respectable profit.”

Coupled with the slogan is a new logo–which will replace the current Texas Hemp Growers logo from here forward–and a website specifically branded for the purpose:

Texas Hemp Growers will invest heavily into the campaign — spending thousands advertising the brand to both in and out-of-state markets.

As Texas Hemp Growers quickly closes in on 100 members in a matter of months, it’s actively developing answers to this major challenge.

“Our members understand the priority of solving the buyer question, before investing large sums into a hemp operation,” Maxwell said. “We want to make sure our growers are taken care of, and have a roadmap to success.”

With recent USDA approval of its hemp rules, Texas is expected to open up license applications to farmers in March. Done responsibly, and with strong support from the state, Texas farmers could potentially have product ready by the third quarter of 2020. 

BUY TEXAS HEMP is an effort to establish long-term, mutually beneficial purchase arrangements between Texas sellers and buyers for future biomass, oils, and other raw materials. 

Interested parties should visit and complete the contact form.

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