Member Survey Name First Last Email associated with THG account What part of the industry are you wanting to be involved?* Grower - Raw Cannabinoids Grower - Smokable Flower Seed Producer Clone Producer Harvesting Equipment Testing Investment Manufacturing Distribution Retail Industrial Fiber / Grain Something else Please elaborate on your planned role in the hemp industry* What county do you plan to have your facility in?* Are you interested in starting your operation in 2021?* Yes No Already Started What do you feel is your largest hurdle to achieving your goals in the hemp industry?Do you currently or have you previously farmed?* Yes No Please elaborate on which crops you currently or have previously farmed: Do you have the funding/investment for your operation?* Yes No Working on it Would you be interested in buying hemp seed and/or seedlings through Texas Hemp Growers as part of a larger group buy?* Yes No Need more info Not Applicable How many seeds/seedlings do you need? Are you interested in investing in hemp industry opportunities facilitated by Texas Hemp Growers?* Yes No I need more info What hemp goal would you like to achieve this year?Would you be interested in working through the Buy Texas Hemp campaign to find buyers for your crop?* Yes No I need more info