Member Satisfaction Survey Please feel out this short survey to provide us feedback on how we might improve Texas Hemp Growers. How satisfied are you with your membership to Texas Hemp Growers?Very satisfiedSomewhat satsfiedNot sureSomewhat dissatisfiedVery dissatisfiedHow satisfied are you with Zachary Maxwell's performance as president of Texas Hemp Growers?Very satisfiedSomwhat satisfiedNot sureSomewhat dissatisfiedVery dissatisfiedDo you believe you receive more value for your membership than what you pay? ($79/yr)YesNoNot sureWhich of these tools, offered by Texas Hemp Growers, have you used or engaged with in the past 3 months? (Check all that apply) (our website) Customer Service Hotline Facebook Page / Group Seed Catalog Grower's Guide Book Member Monday's Linkedin E-mail Newsletter In-person class Member Discounts Please provide any feedback or suggestions on how we can improve the value of Texas Hemp Growers:Consent Check this box if you would like to provide a written testimonial that we may use to market the associationTestimonialPlease explain why Texas Hemp Growers is valuable to you and your company.NamePlease input the name you would like listed with your testimonial First Last PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.