Grower Inventory Survey Please complete this survey to help us have an understanding of how much crop inventory you have available. Name First Last City where your hemp is located: City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code How many lots have you licensed? What hemp varieties are you growing?VarietyNumber of plantsIndoor or Outdoor? What day will you submit for your official state THC test? MM slash DD slash YYYY Have you found a buyer for your crop? Yes No Has the buyer(s) provided you a contract? Yes No Has the buyer(s) agreed to buy your entire crop, or just part of it? Yes, they've agreed to buy everything No, they will only buy part of my crop Please describe what you have left to sell:Would you like to work with Texas Hemp Growers, through the Buy Texas Hemp program, to find buyers for your crop?Will required a signed distributor agreement Yes No Please select a date and time to schedule a phone call to discuss the Buy Texas Hemp program further: MM slash DD slash YYYY Time : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Best phone number to reach you:NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.